Love For Sale

Erika Moreira
2 min readJan 11, 2022

I was there when the first lights had started turning on

“The most wonderful time of the year” as someone said

Suddenly I was sure that I was about to get to my end

Someone cut me and put in a sort of garden full of trees like me

Everyone was sad, except the ones that were still connected to their roots

They were our hope, that this was. only a nightmare

They put us in a sort of mall of trees, some of my sisters were put on shelves of a famous supermarket

Now they could have their species engraved in a tag, as well as the date of their kidnapping

And I was there, with a lot of “equal trees”, thinking and overthinking about my new future

Someone told me when I was a child that I was to end like this

I couldn’t believe it until now

A family arrived and could feel they were touching me and smelling me to see if I was good for them.

Are they good for me?

They put me in a car and suddenly I was into a chaotic scenario

Full of baby diapers, clothes, dog’s pee and with a terrible energy

I had to work with the rest of my forces to clean the environment

Just to breathe better with the rest that was left

At some point, they put on some colorful balls, and a terrible warm light that’s burning my leaves

They put some presents where my roots used to be

What a strange way to celebrate life, right?

After a few days I wasn’t the same

I could barely breathe

I was sure that I was close to the end

To my end

So they removed all that tacky decor off me and could fill the house with my perfume for the last time

At night, a strong and tired woman put me in her arms and suddenly I was with some trees like me

Sad, broken, miserable

We gave everything to them to end like trash

Mr. Sinatra, you’re a liar!

End of Christmas.

